如果手機裡已經安裝了Facebook,為什麼還要開啟瀏覽器重新輸入帳密呢? 直接用Facebook操作不是比較方便呢? --以上是前言--XD 所以為了方便已經安裝Facebook使用者,所以App裡開啟粉絲專頁時,應該會有兩種方式 範例如下: ... public static void openFacebookPage (Context context, String id) { Intent intent = null ; try { context. getPackageManager (). getPackageInfo ( "com.facebook.katana" , 0 ); String uri = "fb://page/" + id; intent = new Intent(Intent. ACTION_VIEW , Uri. parse (uri)); } catch (Exception e) { String uri = "https://www.facebook.com/pages/1/" + id; intent = new Intent(Intent. ACTION_VIEW , Uri. parse (uri)); } context. startActivity (intent); } ... 參考資料: android - launch facebook app from other app - Stack Overflow php - Facebook API - How do I get a Facebook user's profile image through the Facebook API (without requiring the user to "Allow" the applicati...