What is phpize According to the PHP official document : The phpize command is used to prepare the build environment for a PHP extension. If you need to build such an extension that from github or another code repositories, you can use build tools to perform the build manually.
最近遇到一個問題如下: /usr/sbin/mysqld: Can't create/write to file '/mysqltmp/ibXc3yTC' (Errcode: 13) 170619 3:32:30 InnoDB: Error: unable to create temporary file; errno: 13 170619 3:32:30 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' init function returned error. 170619 3:32:30 [ERROR] Plugin 'InnoDB' registration as a STORAGE ENGINE failed. 170619 3:32:30 [ERROR] Unknown/unsupported storage engine: InnoDB 170619 3:32:30 [ERROR] Aborting 追蹤流程: 先查 MySQL ErrorCode:13 發現是權限被拒,因此就是資料夾權限問題 這時查看一下權限 drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Jun 19 03 :33 mysqltmp 發現已經是 777 如果不是,就執行以下動作,mysqltmp是資料夾名哦 chown roor.roor mysqltmp chmod 777 mysqltmp 再執行一次,仍然不行,因此繼續找其他權限控制的軟體。 發現在 /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld 有權限限制的設定 因此就在此檔案裡加上 /mysqltmp r, /mysqltmp/** rw, 接著重新載入設定檔 sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld 這時再啟動MySQL應該就會成功了 :D 參考資料: AppArmor