
What is phpize

What is phpize

According to the PHP official document:
The phpize command is used to prepare the build environment for a PHP extension.
If you need to build such an extension that from github or another code repositories, you can use  build tools to perform the build manually. 

How to use

For example, the sources for an extension are in a directory named csext:
$ cd csext
$ phpize
$ ./configure --with-php-config=/path/bin/php-config
$ make
# make install
A success install will have created csext.so and you will need to add an extension=csext.so line to php.ini file.

Or you can create a new ini file to your additional ini parse directory.
For example:
$ echo "extension=csext.so" > /path/php/ini/csext.ini


phpize source code: github
